Thursday, December 22, 2011


Last year for Christmas one of the things that I "gave" to my Dad was a picture of a hat that I drew, with the intention of knitting one for him when I got the chance.
Last month my Dad brought to my attention that I still hadn't made it yet and he was wondering if that it would be this years gift...
*cough* I felt pretty bad about that, so I got some yarn and started knitting.
My Dad has a rather large noggin, so I made the pattern, knowing that if I where to use a pre-done pattern it wouldn't fit.

When My eldest brother saw the hat, he mentioned how much he liked it and so I thought I would knit one for him for his birthday.

The hat has become affectionately called the jelly hat by my Dad, and hipster hat by my brother.
I like the pattern 'cuz I can whip a hat out in just one day, yay for fast projects!
Happy Knitting~


  1. Looks like a really comfortable hat! Why the jelly hat?


  2. What great hats for your men! Is the pattern online somewhere? I'd love to try knitting one. Since you visited (and I saw all of Anna's lovely projects!) I've been in a knitting mood :)

  3. Thanks every one!
    Genevieve- My dad say's that he feels like a jelly fish when he wears his. I don't know why, but thats what he says. :)

    Heidi-it's my own pattern, I was planning on posting the pattern up after the holidays.

  4. Like a jelly fish! Hee hee!

    Yay! I'd love the pattern too! I made this hat for my bro in law (drew his name this year):

    Merry Christmas Kacie!

  5. You are soo talented!... Your Dad and bro are looking good in your threads!!
