Friday, September 9, 2011

Season of happyness.

Guess what season it is!!! That's right folks!
Knitting season!
I can't tell you how happy I am that it is finally (at least on the calender) fall.
It still may be 80+ degrees, but it's September baby!

My first project this fall is something I have never really done before. knit a sweater.
I have knit sweaters for dolls and the such but never a Kacie sized one.


two weeks ago I treated myself to a new knitting Meg'

This issue has lots of lovely sweater patterns in it.
Namely this one~

~Squirrel Cardigan~

I just love the Squirrels on it :)

the yarn-
I decided to go with Lion Brands, Wool-Ease
I have used it before and I really like it.
I got five skeins of 115 Blue mist and one skein of 171 Gold.
( the blue is for the body and the gold is for the squirrels)

I began on 9-4-11

Here is the back.

So far I have the back and left front done.

I am begining the Right front.

I have only had to frog it a few times
( I am surprised I haven't had to do it more, to tell the truth..)
I am excited to see how it turns out!
*sigh* I love this time of year! granted I would love it even more if it started getting a little cooler...
I am hoping to get lots of knitting projects done this year!
and of course sharing it with you!
Happy Knitting~

1 comment:

  1. hello again! I'm catching up on my reading.

    I love this sweater!!!! Squirrels! Who doesn't want a sweater with squirrels on it? I can't wait to see it on you!
    My sisters and I have been getting in the crafty fall mood too. We say things like, "What are you going to make today?" and "Ooh! We should make this for so-and-so for Christmas!" Oh dear.. We've started the slide.
    =] Happy knitting! Love, Marguerite
