*sigh*. I know, I know.
It's been forever since my last post. I really feel terrible about that....
But, I'm back!
I was not shipwrecked, abducted, stricken down with a fatal disease. No, just rather lazy.
So, this post shall be dedicated to the stuff I did during the summer.
#1. Some sewing.
My handy-dandy sewing machine. It was originally my mothers till she got her current one and gave me her old one. It's just an old Kenmore. Nothing to fancy but it gets the job done.
Except button holes, it won't do button holes anymore..
The only Civil War project I am doing in time for a reenactment.
My "wrapper". It's not really a wrapper but it's the closest thing I could think of to call it.
It's really more of a bloomer dress. That I only wear in the evenings.
I got the fabric for free from another reenacter. she was trying to get rid of some fabric that she had had for years and I thought, well yeah, it's about the most ugly fabric ever. but it's free...
so I got about nine yards.
It's pink, it's gingham, it has embroidery on it..
But it was free!
I have never been a fan of pink. I don't think you could find anything in my wardrobe that has pink on it. but you know what? I figured that I would only be wearing it in the evenings when the public is gone and I can't stand wearing a corset any longer.
(Don't get me wrong, pink is a very nice color. I just have never gravitated towards wearing it. I do like it as a color though.)
Here are the patterns that I used.
The pants
The bodice/skirt. (not sleeves)
past patterns-702
Small pagoda sleeve's.
Under sleeve.
What's the fun of using just one pattern?
While sewing in the sleeve's, I noticed that I had done something wrong. can you see where I went wrong?
That''s right, I put them in backwards... I soon fixed it and continued to finish the dress.
I am almost done, all I need to do is sew the button holes...
I will post a picture when it is all complete.
#2. A little quilt piecing.
#3. I sewed myself a new skirt and blouse.
I love the yellow :)
the skirt pattern gave me faith in Vogue patterns again.
#4. Some planting!
I got the pots at Joann's on Clarence. It used to be a pack of three for $9.99, will some how the 3rd one got lost. so I got the 2 for about $2.90.
I planted some wild flower seeds.
And they actually started to grow!
The problem is, I can grow things. It's just the keeping them alive, thing that I have trouble with...
I'm really a yellow thumb..
#4. Camping!
#5. A little organizing.
#6. More doll clothes.
I decided that I wanted to sew a new dress for my doll. And of course I found a picture of a dress that was dripping with bead embroidery. why not? It's not like I have other more important things to occupy my time with...
The dress is an 1913 evening dress. The dress that I made is not a replica of the dress it was just inspired by.
The under dress is made of Dupioni silk. The over dress is, well I'm not all together sure what it is. It's sheer, rather stiff, and the most lovely pale green color.
It took me about a week to finish it.
My plan is to also make a tuxedo for my guy doll (same era.)
#6. sketching.
Every now and then I get the urge to draw. I had one of these urges the other day. So I got out a photo of my Papa, who had been in the navy in his younger days.
I did not free hand this.. I wish I could draw free hand this well... but I can't.
I have a light box.
I do have one thing to say in my defense for "cheat-drawing". I DO do the shading by hand. I just use the shadow box to get the out lines and basic shape.
#7. And of course. Working on my wedding ring quilt.
So, as you can see I did do stuff this summer. I was just to lazy to post it up.
I will try to be better now :)
hope you had a Ggggreaaat Summer!!!
Happy Crafting~